Created Undeletable folder

Created Undeletable folder for windows. Are you tried fixing your flash drive whine it infect from virus. And all your files are delete or hidden or created a new shortcut folder?

Don't be worry now i will teach you on how to created undeletable folder step by step work on windows.

1) First created a new folder and name it to "con" (without quote).

2) Open notepad and copy this codes:

 @echo off
 md "(driveletter/path)\(options)\"

 You can use C: or D: to Z:
 You can use con,aux,lpt1,lpt2, to lpt9

 @echo off
 md "C:\con\"

 if that is a path,
 @echo off
 md "F:\Videos\con\"

3) Now you can save into '.bat' files (eg. unweb2files.bat)

4) Thin run the .bat files that you created.

 To test if the folder is undeletable. Go to the folder that you created. Thin try it to delete or rename. (You cannot delete that folder)

5) Now you can move your all files on that folder that you created.

 Honestly you cannot delete that folder manually you need the codes to delete that undeletable folder you created.

1) Now open notepad thin copy this codes:

 @echo off
 rd "(driveletter/path)\(options)\"

 You can use C: or D: to Z:
 You can use con,aux,lpt1,lpt2, to lpt9

 @echo off
 rd "C:\con\"

 if that is a path,
 @echo off
 rd "F:\Videos\con\"

2) Thin save to .bat files (eg. Delete.bat)

3) Thin run the bat files. Now you can delete the folders and all the content of that folders.

* You cannot open the the files that you copy inside the undeletable folders (Error: Directory name is invalid).

* The "aux" and "lpt1" device name are cannot be add files inside.

tutorials Done... Enjoy and good luck..

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